Nextjs's Extended Abstract Server Action Function
import { RequestInit } from 'next/dist/server/web/spec-extension/request'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV
const BASE_URL =
environment === 'production' ? process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROD_API_ENDPOINT : process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEV_API_ENDPOINT
* Extended Server Action
* @description This is the extended abstract to handle server actions
export async function fetchData<T>(
endpoint: string,
options?: RequestInit,
params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>,
payload?: Record<string, any>,
): Promise<IServerActionResponse<T>> {
const token = cookies().get('accessToken')
try {
const url = `${BASE_URL}${endpoint}${buildQueryString(params)}`
const fetchOptions: RequestInit = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
...(options?.headers || {}),
Authorization: `Bearer ${token?.value}`,
body: payload ? JSON.stringify(payload) : undefined,
const res = await fetch(url, fetchOptions)
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Error: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`)
const data: IServerActionResponse<T> = await res.json()
return data
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch data from ${endpoint}`, error)
throw error
/** @private buiild query strign */
function buildQueryString(params?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>): string {
if (!params) return ''
const queryString = new URLSearchParams(params as any).toString()
return queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ''
// ---------------------------- USAGES ----------------------------
/** get categories */
export async function getCategories() {
return await fetchData<Categories[]>('categories', {
next: { revalidate: 60 }, // revalidate every 60s
/** get single category */
export async function getCategory(id: string) {
return await fetchData<Categories>(`categories/${id}`, {
next: {
revalidate: 3600,