wrapper utility class with strongly type support
react custom hook to use webworker
Javascript Reactivity with IoT sensor network sample
here is the sample graph data structure
Decision Trees Node Sample
This is the Extended abstract function to handle server actions in Nextjs
context provider for modal popups (example : radix-ui dialogs)
this is the customer logger util class in nodejs with typescript
This is the C# Filter extension Method Sample.
Priority Queue Pattern and Usage
RealLife C# utility methods
Hash Table in Typescript
This is my personal webpack config
C# cache and revalidate util
Factory Pattern Generic class in C#
Unique Response Type Dotnet Controllers
A Util Function to split huge array into array chunks
Removing Property from an Object by using Reduce Method
SocketIO Emit cheatsheet between server and client
type def for variables from .env file
solution to generate Parenthesis for the given number.
Rotate the nums arrays by the value of k.
Getting Second Largest Number from Num Array
custom React hook for Mouse cursor position
Reverse 32-bit signed integer Leetcode Solution
Lets take a look at Satisfies Operator
Number of Islands LeetCode solution
Let take a look at useOptimistic hook that is From the Nextjs App router with the example of Counter Component.
In this section, Number To Character and Character to Number functions will be written.
useForkRef Hook to combine multiple refs into a single callbackRef.
useWindowSize Hook to detect the Window Size
useLongPress Hook to trigger the Long Press Event.
In this Algorithm section, I will demonstrate the Binary Search Algorithm.
In this section, Color validator function that will validate the color string will be written.
In this section, i will demonstrate how to convert seconds to the formatted Time Unit
This Format Value Util Function will return with the Units string of the number value
In this section, I will demonstrate the TimeAgo Util Function in Javscript
In this section, useDebounce Custom Hook will be written.
In this section, useClickOutside Custom Hook will be written.
In this section, I will briefly explain about when to use the Generic Types in typescript.
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