Get Second Largest Number

August 27, 2023

DSA & Leetcodes

Get Second Largest Number

Thuta Sann

Thuta Sann

Getting Second Largest Number from Num Array

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Get Second Largest Number

In this section, solution that will result the second largest number from the number array will be demonstrated with two different solutions.

/** * @question * Get Second Largest Number from Num arr * @description * Given an array Arr of size N, print second largest * distinct element from array. * @example * Input : [12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1] =>> Output 34 * Input : [10, 5, 10] =>> Output 5 */ function getSecondLargest(arr: number[]): number { const uniqueArr: number[] = Array.from(new Set(arr)); uniqueArr.sort((a, b) => { return b - a; }); if (uniqueArr.length >= 2) { return uniqueArr[1]; } else { return uniqueArr[-1]; } } const answer = getSecondLargest([10, 5, 10]); console.log('answer', answer); /** * Second Solution for the above * @description * This is the More Optimized solution. */ function getSecondLargestTwo(arr: number[]): number { let largest: number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; let secondLargeset: number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] > largest) { secondLargeset = largest; largest = arr[i]; } else if (arr[i] != largest && arr[i] > secondLargeset) { secondLargeset = arr[i]; } } return secondLargeset; } const answerTwo = getSecondLargestTwo([12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1]); console.log('answerTwo', answerTwo);


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