Hash Table

March 29, 2024

DSA & Leetcodes

Hash Table

Thuta Sann

Thuta Sann

Hash Table in Typescript

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Hash Table in typescript

type KeyProps = 'firstName' | 'lastName' type IPerson = { [key in KeyProps]: string } export class HashTableSampleOne { public table = new Array(3) private numItems: number = 0 /** key value pair sample */ public Intro(): void { const person: IPerson = { firstName: '', lastName: '', } person['firstName'] = 'Thuta' person['lastName'] = 'Sann' console.log('person =>', person) } /** get item with key */ public getItem(key: string): string | null { const idx = this.hashStringToInt(key, this.table.length) if (!this.table[idx]) return null return this.table[idx].find((x) => x[0] === key)[1] } /** set key with value */ public setItem(key: string, value: string): void { this.numItems++ const loadFactor: number = this.numItems / this.table.length if (loadFactor > 0.8) { console.log('resizing....') this.resize() } const idx = this.hashStringToInt(key, this.table.length) if (this.table[idx]) { this.table[idx].push([key, value]) } else { this.table[idx] = [[key, value]] } } /** hash fnc */ private hashStringToInt(key: string, tableSize: number): number { let hash = 17 for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { hash = (12 * hash * key.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize } return hash } /** resize fnc */ private resize(): void { const newTable = new Array(this.table.length * 2) this.table.forEach((item) => { if (item) { item.forEach(([key, value]) => { const idx = this.hashStringToInt(key, newTable.length) if (newTable[idx]) { newTable[idx].push([key, value]) } newTable[idx] = value }) } }) this.table = newTable } }


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